

A Palestinian society living a decent life based on promoting development, empowerment and education different social groups.


  1. To promote and develop Palestinian society at the social, cultural, economic and environmental.
  2. Strengthening social ties and emphasizing the concept of solidarity within the Palestinian society.
  3. To promote the concept of democracy and the rule of law among all segments of the Palestinian society.
  4. To improve development activities in remote and marginalized areas.
  5. To preserve the Palestinian heritage from loss and giving it the spirit of the times.
  6. To introduce the environmental dimension in development projects to reduce the drying up natural sources and preserve the right of the future generations.
  7. To develop the Palestinian women intellectually and socially to obtain more active participation within the Palestinian society.
  8. To educate young people in an appropriate manner of civilization accelerated information and the increased environmental, social and cultural awareness of this category.
  9. To promote entrepreneurship among the professional categories in the Palestinian people and prepare them to take a more active role in serving the society.
  10. Support different community groups socially and relief.


To provide educational, social, economical, environmental humanitarian and  cultural services and developing them in an effective way to promote and develop the Palestinian society.